Selecting An Inmate Screening Test

If you are selecting an inmate (male and female) assessment instrument, the following Comparison Checklist should prove helpful. This checklist summarizes important assessment and screening qualities. The “Other” column represents any other test you might want to compare to the PII.

Test Comparison Checklist

Comparison Categories



Designed Specifically for Inmate Assessment

Standardized on Thousands of Prison Inmates

Test Reliability and Validity Research Provided

On-Site Reports Within 3 Minutes

Truthfulness Scale Detects Faking

Four Test Administration Options:

Paper-Pencil (English and Spanish)

On Computer Screen (English and Spanish)

Human Voice Audio (Reading Impaired)

Over the Internet (

Violence (Lethality) Scale

Antisocial Scale

Alcohol and Drugs Scales

Distress Scale

Adjustment Scale

Self-Esteem Scale

Stress Coping Abilities Scale

Judgment Scale

Large (75,000 to 80,000) Research Database

Confidentiality Assured and HIPAA Compliant

Easily Understood Reports

We strongly recommend that you review the 4 page Prison Inmate Inventory (PII) example report. This shows how the obtained information is summarized and presented in the PII report.

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